Wednesday, 29 February 2012

For the Newborn Witches

For the Newborn Witches
"OK now we know what magic is! What is next?"
Well, in my opinion after you understand what magic is, you have to learn about the Laws and Ethics of the Craft. And just a word of warning before I begin:
Just keep in mind that anyone who plays with the fire, gets burnt in the end!Magic is like fire: if you use it for pure and good purpose it will shine its light in your life. But, if anyone dares to use it for dark intents, then it becomes your disaster... But we'll go through all these things analytically!!!And...
May the lesson begin!!!


Universal Rules of Magic
Magic has rules.They are the set of Universal ethics that must be followed for safe and effective magical practice.The rules of Magic are not the same as morals (what our culture teaches us is right and wrong), as both morals and ethics change over time. Particular morals or ethics may or may not agree with the Rules of Magic.
To practice Magic effectively and for you to be safe, then you MUST follow the rules of magic since the rules of magic operate whether you know of them, believe them, agree with them or not. These rules are not made by humans, but by the Universe itself and they apply to everyone, whether you are a Witch or not and these rules always existed and they always will, even if the humankind disappears. And, of course, these rules are not something that you can disobey, because nobody can avoid them, no matter who they are (for Universe there is nobody superior to someone else; everybody's the same).

Judge any act of magic by these laws before doing it:

  1. HARM TO NONE: Do nothing that will harm another being, otherwise you will have to deal with the consequences. Always mind the Law of Three: "Whatever you do to someone, comes back three times stronger". For instance, if you help someone with magic (by putting a protection spell on them for example), then you will be three times blessed because of the good you caused and a greater good than this will find you, BUT if you harm someone with magic (for example by putting a curse on them) then the evil you caused will come back to you three times stronger. I will write a whole post about this Universal Law, as it is the most important in magic. Note that what the Universe considers harm may be different from what our culture teaches as harm.
  2. FREE WILL: Do not bind other beings and don't try to control their minds, cause you' ll be bound as well. This applies to many love spells (i.e. those that are used to make someone fall in love with you).
  3. WISDOM: Never use magic just to see if it works (you must believe it with all your heart), to show off or for pride, or vainglory.Using magic to show off, to prove a point, or from a place of injured pride usually results in side-bands (undesirable side effects) to the operation that will bring very undesirable backlash from the Universe.
  4. KNOWLEDGE: Do not use any special word, symbol, incantation, or spells unless you understand thoroughly and completely the way it works, content and intent!
  5. Never do a spell without first doing a divination to determine if you should do it and what the results will be . Modern American social values and overt appearances of a situation are not trustworthy guides for a magician who wants to avoid bad karma. In other words there might be a reason that a spell doesn't work, but we'll talk about that later...

Just keep in mind that you should fill your magic with love and light and everything will be perfect!!!

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

The Art of Magic (Part B)

The Art of Magic (Part B)

What is Magic?
Magic is one of the most ancient crafts.The word "magic" derives from the ancient Babylonian language, where "mag" meant "wise". From "mag" came the words "magic", which meant "wisdom" and "magus" (magician), which meant the "wise". It is the Art that uses our spiritual powers and will-power, in order to send our desires to the Divine Forces of the Universe(Gods) and fulfill them. Herbs, crystals (precious and semi-precious stones), essential oils and magical items, like candles, dolls, talismans etc., are used as tools to help us concentrate on our desire. It is very difficult for someone to define what magic is. Some of the greatest Witches and Magicians tried to give a definition for magic. But no definitions can exactly describe what Magic is. Magic is not something material that you can touch or see, but something you can only sense and feel. 
To be able to understand what it is, we have to talk about the three types of energy:
  • The Personal energy, which is the vital energy that exists inside us and maintains our existence.It is this that gives strength to our body.We absorb this energy through food, water, the sun and the moon.We release this energy by moving,exercising, sex and even birth!Even when we breath a tiny amount of energy is gained and released again and again!In magic, we direct our personal energy to our target, through meditation and focusing our intention on our target and then we release it, so as to fullfil our desire (but this is something that we are going to talk about later).
  • The Earthen energy is the one that exists on our planet and nature.The stones, the trees, the wind, the fire, the water, the crystals and the scents have unique, exquisite energiesthat can be used during a ritual. For example, if a Witch/Wizard wants to purify a place, they can burn some frankincense along with some cedar and sage on a charcoal in the room they want to purify and read an exorcism or a hymn to the Gods they are devoted and the room will be cleansed by negative energies.Or they can burn a red candle anointed with a love oil( like rose or ylang-ylang or lavender etc) and sprinkle some love herbs around the candle like lavender, cinnamon, rosemary, thyme and concentrate on the candle's flame visualising their will, so as to bring a new love in their lives.
  • The Divine energy is the energy of the Gods themselves. The Gods and generally the divine world is the source of the universal power and energy, it is those who created us. Through magic we can invite them and their energies to our lives. The divine energy also exists in  the universe, the stars and the planets, the moon.
So, magic is the craft that uses these three types of energy so as to improve our lives. It is a procedure during which, we co-operate harmoniously with the Universal Source of Power (God or Gods; whatever you believe in according to your religion), along with the Earthen power and our Personal energy to make our lives better and give positive energy to Earth. Magic is a method which people, as they are the only ones responsible for their fate, can handle their own lives with.
In contrast to the common belief, a big part of magic is not supernatural. It is a mystical art (which means it is hidden from the eyes of those who don't understand it) indeed, but it is hidden only because people don't accept it and don't understand it, as they did in ancient times. But, although it is a craft dipped in secrecy, that doesn't mean it is supernatural. This is because people get misinformed about magic and witches are forced to hide it (and especially in medieval times that their lives were in danger!). It is just the craft that uses forces, that they haven't been discovered or named by scientists. This doesn't underestimates magic though! Even scientists cannot claim that they know everything about universe and its operations. Magic is just one of those powers that haven't been explained (even though some Research Institutes have started doing this). For example, in the past thunders were considered to be a supernatural phenomenon, the rage of Zeus, but today we know that is nothing like that, because scientists have given an explanation to this. It is the same with magic, even though it seems to make no sense and have no laws or logic. Noone can claim that magic does not exist, just because it is not completely understandable.
Magic can give us the power to bring the necessary changes to our lives. It is not an illusion! A magical ritual, that is done properly, does really works and no scientific explanation can change this!!!
The important thing is one: that magic should not be used to cause disaster, harm or control others lives. Personally, I believe that Magic that is used for ill purposes is an offence to the Gods that give this power, an offence to the humankind and Earth. There are always consequences. Don't forget : Magic's energy is the energy of Life itself!
Anybody can use magic! If you really want to see the real nature of Magic, then you have to practice it! Many people are afraid of  Witchcraft (an other name for magic). They have been told by those who don't practice it, that it is evil and dangerous. Don't be afraid my dears! There is nothing dangerous if you do it properly.Crossing the road is dangerous as well but, if you do it properly you will be fine!
The only way to find this out is to start practicing it, of course! If your magic is full of love and light and you have a pure heart, then you are not in danger!

Thursday, 16 February 2012

My blog

My blog

The reason that I created this blog is because I wanted to offer people the knowledge I have gained through the 9 years I practice magic. I will be posting every 2-3 days, so keep up checking this blog for new posts. What I will be writing will have to do with Candle Magic & Natural Magic (which are ideal for new Witches and Wizards), Smyrnian magic ( recipes from Izmir & Minor Asia), Voodoo & Hoodoo and, of course, recipes that I made on myself inspired by the Ancient Greek Religion, as it is my religion (yes, I worship the ancient Gods of Greece). Also, I will be posting about issues that generally have to do with Magic, such as FAQs about the Craft, Ethics and Laws of Magic etc.
You can always contact me and ask anything you want, it will be my pleasure to help in any way I can.
But, please don't ask me stupid questions like "How will I lose weight by using magic?" or "Do you have any spells to make me smarter?".
 I will not answer to questions like these.
Magic is only for those who truly love it and don't want just to play with spells in order to show off.
And I will help only those with serious problems and not people, who just want to take revenge, because their lover cheated on them (yes, some people ask me to help them for these purposes).
Sorry, but you will NOT find any black magic spells on this blog!

Blessed be!!!

You can contact me on

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

The Art of Magic (Part A)

The Art of Magic (Part A)

picture from

Old fat lady with green face,smelly breath,black robe, who stands before a huge cauldron stirring a potion,which changes colours all the time and, when the potion is ready, she rides her broomstick and flies to the skies and when she finds her victim she sprinkles the magical potion on them and they are turned on frogs at once! I'm pretty sure that this is the image, that you have in your mind for the witches. Or you might think that a witch might be like the three cute sisters of Hollywood, who have killed every demon the imagination of the script writer has invented and call themselves "Charmed Ones". You might even think that a witch and a wizard is like the ones that are presented to the Harry Potter movies!
And worse some people probably reckon that a witch/wizard is a person devoted to the devil, who makes sacrifices of living beings and sometimes humans, so as to petition and satisfy their lord of darkness.
But let's be serious: you don't believe that magic is something like that,do you? And the truth is that IT ISN'T. "Then", you will ask, "what is magic, if it is nothing like that?". Would you like to  travelled in time and see how the meaning of the word "magic" has changed over the centuries?

History of Magic...
Magic is one of the most ancient crafts. It is unknown when magic appeared for the very first time,but some assume that it was appeared in the Paleolithic times (around 25,000 BC). Many philosophers,like Plato and Aristotle, after many years of research on Magic,conceded Magic's validity.
 Traces of the Art of Magic can be found in Paleolithic times, when people lived in caves. These first organised societies were matriarchal. The woman had the control over home and children. The Female in those times was the Guardian of the Hearth's fire, Manager of the home's saved food and goods, Inventor of agriculture (even in later times Goddess Demeter was the one who taught humankind how to cultivate the earth and not a male god), Carer and Protectress of the children. The woman was the one who had the total responsibility for these things. Men didn't know that they contributed to the miracle of Birth (they thought it was something supernatural and they didn't know that their sperm was that important for the life's creation). So, the female was free to choose how to use her body. The male visited the female to her mother's cave and after they were united with love, the man returned to his mother's cave again. The Woman was the one who gave birth to a tiny creature similar to her. Like Mother Earth, who offers Her fruit and plants that come from inside Her (the ground) every Spring and Summer in order to feed Her children (animals and humankind). Exquisite!!! The women were those who ruled the economy with agricultural products, texturing and tools' production. The Woman becomes Priestess of Her family. She prays to Mother Earth. You see, they are similar. She watches the sky and the moon and its phases. She sees that the moon phases have something to do with that blood that appears every 28 days. Yes! Now she can see it. The Goddess of the Moon has something to do with her famine period. Probably, it is a gift from the Goddess. A gift that has something to do with her babies. When she is pregnant, she stops bleeding.
So,the Female starts looking for answers. She watches the sky. There are some tiny lights on the sky. There is a circular and warm disk. There is the Moon. Throughout the years she becomes more certain that the movements of these lights on the sky are fixed. The warm round disk (sun) departed for a brief period (winter), in order to come back stronger (summer). The cold and the snow stay on Earth this period and when they melt, she sees that, little things grow on the ground. Beautiful plants and flowers that smell very nice.She found that some of them can be used as food, some as cure and some are just nice and smell good. Everything becomes her tool: the moon,the fire, the herbs and every tool that she made. Voila! The first Witches! Those women knew how to make food, how to use the plants to heal the diseases. Those women continued with their deeds and wanted to thank the powers that helped them. So, then they realised that there are invisible powers that affect them. She created ceremonies to thank the powers that helped her, she communicated with her gods.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present you the first Witches, the first Priestesses!!!!!!

So, as we can see Magic and religion (sometimes is very difficult to separate these two as,in fact, they are the same thing: the calling of Divine Powers for a particular purpose) was invented by women. Besides don't forget about the nature of Woman: compassionate, wise, intuitive. Who would be better to communicate with the Divine powers? Women were the Mothers, the Advisors, the Healers, the Priestesses, the Seers.
The Triple Moon Goddess
 People in Paleolithic times used the magical energy by drawing in the caves, by dancing and singing around the fire, so as to have a successful hunting. They made offerings to the Great Mother Earth, the Lady of the Plants and the living beings, and they honoured the Sun and the Moon. They buried the bones of the animals they caught on the hunting deep in the ground. A magical action that assured them that the animals they buried, would be reborn and the power of Mother Earth would bring these animals back to them. Magic in that era was used to ensure that Mother Earth would continue to give them food and they had everything they needed to live. Later during 7500BC until 5500BC, the Great Mother Earth was worshiped along with a God of plantation, corn, winter and death. He was a god, who offered himself as a sacrifice in the time of the Harvest and was reborn in the middle of the Winter as the Sun god. Also, in that era people started worshipping an other Goddess along with the Mother Earth and the Solar God. They called Her "The Triple Goddess" (no, i'm not talking about Wicca!). This Goddess was connected with the three phases of the moon: the Waxing Moon, the Full Moon and the Waning Moon. The moon was a tool for those people to calculate the time. The moon was connected with Birth and Death, not only because it was born (waxing moon),died (waning moon) and reborn (waxing moon again), but, also because, a baby needs 9 moon cycles to be born (one moon cycle lasts 28,5 days, which is a month,so 9 moon cycles are 9 months approximately). Then the Full moon was corresponded to Women, because the woman's womb is like the full moon, when she is pregnant: round and full of life and energy! Later the moon was connected to romance and passion, because firstly was connected with the woman's fertility and, especially, when the woman's womb is ready to accept the man's sperm (sex), so sex is the time of love and the time that a new life is to be created. Even nowadays the rituals for love and fertility (whether it is spiritual fertility-inspiration- or fertility of the earth) take place under the Waxing Moon or Full Moon.
After Christianity appeared, the Old Ways were exiled by the new religion. The temples were burnt,the altars and the statues of the ancient gods broken, the Magicians and the Priests and Priestesses of the old religion were tortured and killed. The rituals of the Nature  and the ceremonies that honoured the gods were replaced by the christian ones.
In Medieval times, the Witch-Hunt took place for two basic reasons: the Christian Religion emphasised on the fact that women were Eve's daughters and because of what Eve did, women were considered to be inferior to men; secondly, in those times, that the societies were patriarchal, the women who were healers and midwives (professions that were allowed only to men) and those who still worshipped their ancient gods and refused to change their religion, were considered to be a threat for the type of  society that Christians wanted to create. The ability of those women to help mothers give birth without pain,was in contrast to the belief of the new religion's conquerors that the women-Eve's descendants are cursed by the god and they should give birth in pain and sorrow. These women became an objection of persecution. They were often accused that they sacrificed the babies in honour of the devil. This had a serious impact on the society. As the infant mortality rate (how many babies die per year per 1000 babies) was highly increased those years, the women whose babies died often blamed the midwives for their babies' death. The Church wanted to gain power. So, the Church mainly targeted to landowners, and especially the widowers, so as to steal what they owned. And the way to do that was to blame them as witches. The word "witch" did not have the same meaning as it did in the ancient times. In medieval times a witch was a worshipper of the devil, whereas in the ancient times a witch/wizard (of course there were men who practiced the Craft) was a person who could heal the diseases with their knowledge on herbalism, one who could communicate with the gods and bring the changes needed to society, a wise one.
Nobody knows how many people had died those times by the awful tortures, but some estimate that 250,000 people died during the 15-17th centuries.
In the 20th century, magic became legal in America, but people still are afraid  of it or make fun of it, just because they can't understand it. But Magic has no limits and has its own rules and it works in a way that people cannot understand, because of their imperfect nature and restricted knowledge.
But, I think this is the way it should be, for Magic would be nothing without its mysterious nature, which cannot be tamed by humans.

To be continued...